The Joy Dare

Ann Voskamp was challenged to write down 1,000 things she was grateful for and the journey that this took her on has resulted in her book "One Thousand Gifts, a dare to live fully right where you are."

She continues to reach others through her Blog "A Holy Experience." Recently she has challenged her readers to a "Joy Dare". This is a guided daily excercise to find three things each day that you are grateful for.

Friday, January 6, 2012

January's Joy Dare

Jan 1st - 3 things about myself I am grateful for
  1. My Sense of Humor
  2. My Creativity
  3. My Love & Desire for God
Jan 2nd - A gift outside, inside, on a plate

  1. Outside - Relief from the weather from the last few years
  2. Inside - The room I use as my Sanctuary for reading, writing, quilting and quiet times with God
  3. Bob's wonderful waffels - He can still make them and they are Awesome!!

Jan 4th - One gift old, new, & blue
  1. 1997 Nissan Sentra given to us one Christmas
  2. The birthstone ring my husband gave me on my 30th birthday
  3. A wonderful, fluffy lap blanket from my sister in law that is now rather old and soft so many years later
Jan 5th - something I am reading, making, and seeing
  1. Crave - a book about desiring God instead of food.
  2. A quilt made up of embroidered blocks that my grandmother made in her 90's
  3. A very dear young mother who is blossoming in her new faith
Jan 6th - one thing from my bag, my fridge, my heart
  1. In my bag - the vial of medications I carry for Bob when we are not home. His medications are provided by the VA.
  2. In my heart - God's love and provision for us through this difficult time
  3. In my fridge - Greek Yogurt, it makes my new eating plan do-able, Yum!

Jan 7th - Three Graces from people you love
  1. Blending voices, Candle lit Christmas Eve service - Sandy & I sisters who care
  2. Bob's face lit with laughter, in a wed service, by my side
  3. Colleen: sharing, caring, bonding reconnecting over life's hardships

Jan 8th - Reflection that surprised me
  1. I am sealed - now not at a later time- Now

Jan 9th- A gift in my hand, A Gift I walked by ,A Gift I sat with
  1. My rings are begining to fit more loosely, loosing weight.
  2. I am reminded of God's provision of medical care for Bob as I walk by the new scooter
  3. My two 18yr old cats cuddle up with me on the couch - unconditional love and pure joy at the simplest things

Jan 11th -Yellow things that  strike you as fresh mercy
  1. Daffodils in the spring
  2. Winter Sunshine
  3. Sunrises
Jan 12th- Something above you, Below you, Beside you
  1. the roof
  2. My Job (Downstairs)
  3. My Husband - even ill he is still my partner

Jan 13th - 3 sounds you hear
  1. His breathing - slightly wheezing from the disease, alive to snore
  2. Yoga breathing
  3. The sounds of morning arriving

 Jan 15th - One thing you wore, you gave away, you shared
  1. A skinny skirt
  2. My tithe
  3. Books that have touched me


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